Hydrological products

  • The PISCO_HyM_GR2M product is a data set of monthly flows throughout the Peruvian territory, simulated using the GR2M model. It contains time series of mean monthly flows from January 1981 to December 2022.

    # Download netcdf file using R
    filename <- 'PISCO_HyM_GR2M_v1.1.nc'
    server <- 'http://thredds.hydroshare.org/thredds/fileServer/hydroshare/resources/f1b537f338f24533af5dab946b51d215/data/contents'

  • The PISCO_HyD_ARNOVIC product is a data set of daily flows throughout the Peruvian territory, simulated using the ARNOVIC model. This product contains time series of mean daily flows from 1981-01-01 to 2022-12-31.

    # Download netcdf file using R
    filename <- 'PISCO_HyD_ARNOVIC_v1.0.nc'
    server <- 'http://thredds.hydroshare.org/thredds/fileServer/hydroshare/resources/f723d6c762ca45b6936dd9489bc44842/data/contents'

  • The SONICS dashboard has been developed for monitoring and forecasting fluvial floods in Peru. This system provides continuous updates on the current state of 12 thousand river reaches nationwide, and forecasts for a 7-day horizon.

R packages

  • GR2MSemiDistr is a package for the execution of the GR2M conceptual model at a semi-distributed level (by sub-basins) in large domains. This package processes the PISCO forcing data at the sub-basin level, identifies the optimal set of model parameters using the Shuffle Complex Evolutionary (SCE) algorithm, and routes monthly flows to the outlet of each sub-basin using the Weighted Flow Accumulation (WFAC) algorithm.

    # Installing the package

  • RClimChange is a package developed for downloading and subsetting data from Global Climate Models (GCM) of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 6 (CMIP6). The data is extracted from NASA Earth Exchange Global Daily Downscaled Projections (NEX-GDDP, https://www.nccs.nasa.gov/services/data-collections/land-based-products/nex-gddp-cmip6).

    # Installing the package